Vic Alouqua is a female amateur porn model, born at Jul 14, 1995 (29 years old), originally from France. Vic Alouqua's ethnicity is latin and height is 5 ft 8 in (172 cm), weight is 143 lbs (65 kg), usually has brunette hair. Also Vic Alouqua has fake boobs, tattoos and no piercings.
Interests and hobbie:
J'adore le sexe, je passe beaucoup de temps à me masturber...
Sinon j'aime la nature, les animaux, j'ai d'ailleurs des chats et des chiens, je pratique la chute libre et la moto :)
I love sex, I spend a lot of time masturbating ...
Otherwise I like nature, animals, I also have cats and dogs, I practice skydiving and motorcycle